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  • WBA授予埃伦·雅科维奇年度最佳女靠谱的滚球平台奖
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May 24, 2024

By John Murph

The Women’s Bar Association of the District of Columbia (WBA) honored Ellen M. Jakovic, D.C. 禁止前总统, with the 2024 Woman Lawyer of the Year Award at the WBA’s annual dinner on May 22. 在国家建筑博物馆举行, the event featured keynote remarks by Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota.

Jakovic WBAIn her acceptance speech, Jakovic called the award the “capstone” of her career. She noted how her involvement in the District’s legal community began with the WBA. “As a young associate, struggling to navigate the demands of a Big Law practice and a family with two small children, 我向WBA的在职父母论坛寻求帮助,” Jakovic said. “I am forever grateful for the support and the mentoring I received and [for] the community that welcomed [me] during that challenging time in my life.”

Jakovic also hailed the honor as a “full circle” event in her professional career, 然后引用已故的马德琳·奥尔布赖特的话, 谁是第一位担任美国总统的女性.S. secretary of state. “[Albright] famously said that there is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women,” Jakovic said. “I don’t claim to have the secretary’s insight into the afterlife, [but] I know that there is a special place right here in our legal community for women who support other women. And that’s the Women’s Bar Association of the District of Columbia and the Women’s Bar Association Foundation.”

The WBA commended Jakovic for her legal career that spans nearly 40 years. 目前,她是柯克兰靠谱的滚球平台事务所的靠谱的滚球平台 & Ellis LLP的反垄断业务团队. 直到2021年,她都是合伙人, heading the firm’s Hard-Scott-Robino Antitrust Improvements Act filing practice. Before joining Kirkland & 2008年在埃利斯,雅科维奇在怀特工作 & 在Case LLP做了13年的靠谱的滚球平台,然后是靠谱的滚球平台. 她的职业生涯是从米勒的助理开始的 & Chevalier Chartered在Shaw, Pittman, Potts之前 & Trowbridge.

During her tenure as D.C. Bar president from 2022 to 2023, Jakovic led the Bar in launching the Early Career Lawyers Community. She also spoke about issues impacting women in the legal profession, 在她任期内庆祝《靠谱的足球滚球平台》颁布50周年, which prohibits sex-based discrimination in any school or education program that receives federal funding. 2023年1月/ 2月 Washington Lawyer column, “吸引并保持女性参与游戏,” won an Honorable Mention from the National Conference of Bar Presidents for the 2023 President’s Page Award.

贾科维奇还利用了她的D.C. 靠谱的滚球平台协会主席提倡诉诸司法, especially when she provided written and oral testimonies before the D.C. Council Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety when Washington, D.C.’s Access to Justice Initiative was facing a 60 percent cut in funding.

Before becoming D.C. Bar president, Jakovic served as president of the WBA; she has also served on numerous boards, 包括美国靠谱的滚球平台基金会, 卓越法庭委员会, 和华盛顿靠谱的滚球平台基金会.

KlobucharEarlier that evening, 克罗布查尔参议员发表了主旨演讲, reflecting on how the National Women’s Bar Association was important for her after she graduated from the University of Chicago Law School and worked for 13 years in corporate law at Dorsey & 惠特尼靠谱的滚球平台事务所和明尼阿波利斯的Gray Plant moty.  

“Women were just coming up in the law when I first started,” Klobuchar said. “[I recall] watching these women become partners and the struggles that many of us faced. 我记得那些有孩子的人,还有那是什么感觉, so for those of you who are younger — as hard as life seems — you have to respect those who came before you because it was not an easy time. I’m just so proud of all of you and the men that stand with you for being here today.”

Klobuchar recounted her entry into politics when she became the first woman to serve as Hennepin County attorney in 1998, 几乎占明尼苏达州人口的四分之一, and then as U.S. senator.

“When I ran [for U.S. Senate], it was at a point where two women had run and lost,” Klobuchar said. “所以,我被问了很多次,如果一个女人能赢. 我记得我总是说,‘好吧,一个女人在德克萨斯州赢了. 所以,我认为女人可以赢.’ I finally said that I’m not running as a woman; I’m running on my merits, 我在用我这辈子做过的事来竞选, in the private sector, 作为县检察官. And that seemed to work.”

尽管做参议员很辛苦, 克洛布查尔说,与女参议员合作, 谁努力工作,互相支持, has been a true joy. 她指出,在美国历史上, 大约有2个,000 senators, 其中只有60人是女性.

“[But] more and more people are running who are going to change the face of the Senate,” Klobuchar said. “And that makes me happy, just like you’ve seen in the legal profession across the country.” She encouraged attendees to continue “to go forward and carry the torch.”

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