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D.C. 高等法院靠谱的滚球平台两名新的副法官

July 31, 2024

By John Murph

On July 29, D.C. Superior Court Chief Judge Anita Josey-Herring officiated the swearing-in of two new associate judges, 凯瑟琳·欧勒和丹尼·阮, continuing efforts to remedy the District’s judicial vacancy crisis.

“I know that the court has vacancy challenges still,” Oler said after the ceremony. “It’s so important that a group of us have been confirmed. I’m really looking forward to helping out in any way that I can and getting to work as soon as possible.”

Superior Court Chief Judge Anita Josey-Herring and Katherine OlerOler此前曾担任美国海军陆战队的特别指挥官.S. 在联邦索赔法院待了六年, presiding over cases brought pursuant to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. From 1996 to 2017 she was as an active duty judge advocate general (JAG) with the United States Air Force. During that time, 她曾担任重罪首席检察官, defense attorney, and deputy chief trial judge overseeing the programmatic guidance, 政策发展, 并为所有美国军人提供培训.S. 世界各地的空军军事审判法官. From 2012 to 2014 she served as staff judge advocate in San Antonio, Texas, where she led a staff of 20 lawyers and paralegals and acted as chief criminal law advisor. In 2014 Oler began her three-year service as chief prosecutor and chief government appellate counsel, supervising all criminal appeals and all complex criminal prosecutions across the Air Force.

当被问及她的司法哲学时, Oler said, “重要的是,当我每天走进法庭时, 我以尊严和尊重待人. [D.C. residents] can expect that I’m going to be fair and impartial in all the decisions that I render.”

问同样的问题, Nguyen said, “As a judge, I will commit myself every day to performing my duties with humility, integrity, 尊重他人. I want everyone who appears before me to leave my courtroom feeling like they had a full and fair opportunity to be heard and that I’ve applied the law to the particulars of their case, 中立,没有偏见.”

Nguyen viewed his swearing-in as a homecoming of sorts — in 2004 he was a legal intern at D.C. Superior Court. 与家人一起出席仪式的是D.C. 区域法院高级法官雷吉. Walton, whom Nguyen praised as “a true mentor and father figure” throughout much of his career.

Danny Nguyen仪式结束后, Nguyen explained how his clerkship under Walton on the United States District Court for the District of Columbia will influence him as a judge. “沃尔顿法官让我印象深刻的一点是, 当我为他办事员的时候, is the humility that he brought to the courthouse every single day,” Nguyen said. “他总是在门口克制自己的自尊心. 他唯一关心的就是找到正确的答案.”

“作为一名年轻的靠谱的滚球平台, I was always so impressed that even if he and I had a difference of opinion, 有时(沃顿)会采纳我说的话, 尽管我的经验要少得多,Nguyen继续说道. “But if I made a valid point and was able to support that with case law and the applicable statutes, he would go with that recommendation because all he ever cared about was getting it right.”

Nguyen worked at Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP as counsel between 2011 and 2013 before becoming an assistant United States attorney for four years at the U.S. 哥伦比亚特区检察官办公室.  2017年,他加入了美国银行.S. Department of Justice’s Criminal Division as a trial attorney. 从2021年开始, Nguyen worked at Booz Allen Hamilton as associate general counsel for almost three years before becoming an associate judge.

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