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In New Book, Lili Kazemi Lays Out Fitness Strategies for Busy Professionals

July 11, 2023

By Jeremy Conrad

Although Lili Kazemi, 四大会计师事务所的董事, 在税收法律和政策方面有丰富的经验, she is increasingly being asked to speak about wellness issues for professionals.

今年春天Kazemi出版了 Business Class Fitness: Diet and Exercise Strategies for Women Who Hustle,重点关注职业女性面临的特殊挑战. In the book she proposes solutions for mental and physical health that accommodate busy schedules and complex obligations, though she is quick to note that the tactics apply regardless of gender.

Here she discusses her fitness philosophy to help others find a sustainable approach to wellness, 从流行的饮食到忙碌的饮食,解决一切问题.


I’ve always had a dream of someday publishing a book, and they always say to write what you know. So, it seemed like a good fit and was so easy to just write and write about. 我从2018年开始写手稿. 到2020年,我已经写了4万多字.

In 2021 I launched my website and formulated the concept of DAO to organize the content and start engaging with the target audience. DAO是以下概念的缩写:决定、行动和展望. In the corporate sector, 每个人都喜欢缩略词和蓝图, and DAO has been the branding vehicle around which I organized the content.

Building the blog and engaging with the audience helped work as a catalyst for me to finish the book, 我在2023年4月完成的.

How did your experiences and philosophy shape the book-writing process?

The biggest thing I’ve learned is that a process that is creative and takes time is the only one that will work. Every time I’ve chased a quick fix, or a fast solution — and I have — it has failed. 这也是我写作的内容.

我有关于健身时尚和流行饮食的章节. I have definitely gone down those paths, and I’ve realized that sustainability prevails overall. 当你必须维持一份严肃的职业时,这一点尤其正确.

我试着从一个商人的角度来写. You wouldn’t run a big engagement project without knowing what your budget is, 或者不跟踪某些参数. 这就是你在工作中处理事情的方式. If you apply some of the logic and framework used at a job managing big projects, 它确实转化并提供了一些实际的结果. 你是自己幸福的首席执行官. [For] people in professional services jobs that are mostly sedentary, how can they approach fitness? 他们希望如何呈现? It is like a paper I would write for my job, but on the topic of wellness. I include comprehensive appendices and QR links to digital versions of articles. 信息的可访问性很重要. The harder you make [it to access] information, the less likely people are to pursue it. 我正努力使信息易于获取.

你的书与你的在线内容有广泛的链接. Tell us about this choice.

我想让这些信息易于获取. 这本书本身可能相当吓人, but the intention is for it to function as a kind of reference or guide. It isn’t a continuous thing that you need to read cover to cover to find value.

我读过很多关于健身的书,可能比大多数人都多. 我喜欢实体书,拿着它们看. Magazines, too. When I’m traveling, I’ll go to the airport bookstore and buy all the fitness magazines and read them on the plane.

我想避免的是我在许多书中看到的, in which they tell you that they have the solution to your fitness problems, but then you have to read and read and read until they finally get to the point at the end of the book. I tried to do the opposite. 我从提供观点开始, and then I have a structure to apply that point to the many different situations that a person may find themselves in. The book’s organization allows you to jump into information about exercise, diet, or other specific issues that are part of the overall approach to wellness.

适应性和灵活性很重要. 其中一个例子就是我的“小黑裙”饮食计划方法. 我一直在构建一种饮食计划的方法. 你有基本的宏,蛋白质,脂肪和碳水化合物. The goal is not to meticulously plan meals every single beginning of the week for five hours and then be bound to that. The goal is to have a flexible meal system that still eliminates decision fatigue and gives you more power over your time and your choices.

The “little black dress” concept came to me because if I need to dress in a hurry, I — and maybe other women — have that one thing in my closet I know can fit that will work and get me out the door. 男性版可能就像史蒂夫·乔布斯的黑色高领毛衣. 这个想法是用积木来构建一顿饭.

How do you balance your career as a lawyer and your passion for wellness?

I think it was Winston Churchill who said that the best thing you can do is tLili Kazemio have a hobby. 爱好可以提高你的领导能力和思维能力. Everyone should have something that they engage in outside of their day-to-day job, 使用大脑的不同部分. 感觉神经突触以新的方式连接. 

归根结底,这一切都与信息有关. 我的日常工作涉及大量的信息管理. I think that this project has made me better at that part of my work. When you approach information that you aren’t engrossed with technically … you find the ability to be neutral and distill concepts creatively.

Professionals can leverage their career success to drive their efforts to achieve health and wellness. 他们可以回顾自己的生活,看看自己取得了多少成就, how they put in all the hard work and … gotten through all their struggles. That can provide them with the fuel they need to overcome the challenges they face ahead in career and in life.

障碍是可以克服的. You have this great brain, 解决问题的能力, 平衡相互竞争的价值观和利益的能力. I hope that I have provided a blueprint to make things a little less daunting and more approachable, 并将健身艺术融入他们的生活, 而不是反过来. Wellness doesn’t involve upending your life or upending your career.

坦率地说,我们都是一群高成就者. I can do it. You can do it. It is all about finding your purpose and reaffirming it through your actions.

Where can readers find out more about you, your book, and your approach to fitness?

In a lot of places! 先从我网站的登陆页开始, daofitlife.com. My book is available on Amazon; connect with me on LinkedIn and YouTube.

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